21 April, 2023

Catch Dogs Family Protection Dog

Catch dogs are large, powerful breeds which were developed and historically employed to hunt, work with livestock, and fight in blood sports such as bullbaiting. Catch dog are the descendants of the ancient Molosser dogs, so share a number of characteristics with mastiffs and other bully breeds. The American Bulldog, Cane Corso, Dogo Argentino, Presa Canario, and Fila Brasileiro are some of the best known and most popular catch dog breeds. Catch dogs are unique in how unlike so-called “bay dogs”, their primary role is to dispatch animals being hunted rather than contain them and indicate their location through loud

21 April, 2023

Dogs in Warfare | Protection Dogs Worldwide

Dogs have been used in warfare for thousands of years, and their utility endures to the present day. Their offensive and defensive capabilities act as force multipliers far beyond what human soldiers can achieve, and will always endure. No technology will ever replace a dog’s capabilities, so it is unsurprising how valued they remain in contemporary military circles. Dogs are first recorded as having been used in warfare around approximately 600 BC, primarily in an offensive role. Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Persians, Gauls, and Celts are all known to have used dogs in warfare, most commonly in “shock” tactics to

17 February, 2023

Are Protection Dogs Worth Their Price?

We are often asked if our dogs justify the high prices we charge. Tens of thousands of dollars may seem more than what many would be willing to spend on a pet, but our prices are a fair reflection of the product we offer. Those we work with are much more than just a pet, and represent some of the highest performing and most capable young dogs in the word. We source our dogs internationally,  only selecting the best puppies from reputable breeders we know well and trust. The process of training a dog for family protection work takes months.

13 February, 2023

Which Dog Breeds Are Most Intelligent?

Dogs are perhaps the most inherently intelligent domesticated animals in human history. Their high intelligence has allowed them to perform a range of tasks including providing simple companionship to herding livestock, guarding, and supporting the disabled with everyday life tasks. Intelligence is subjective and can be hard to define, but there are a number of ways that dogs’ cognitive abilities have been quantified or demonstrated. In 1994, Stanley Coren published his landmark book, “The Intelligence of Dogs”. Using surveys conducted with obedience competition judges, Coren examines what he refers to as “working and obedience intelligence”, namely a dog’s ability to

13 January, 2023

Toys for Protection Dogs

Most dogs enjoy having access to and playing with toys. Toys allow dogs to express natural behaviours in a safe and non-destructive manner while enjoying themselves. Toys can be very useful when providing enrichment to protection dogs, and they offer high value in supporting training and overall wellbeing. One of our favourite toys for protection dogs is the Kong. While Kong is actually a company, it is best known for making a red rubber chew toy with a hollow centre. Widely known as simply “the Kong”, this toy is beloved by dogs and their owners alike. It is near indestructible,

2 January, 2023

Training Standards for Protection Dogs

Rigorous training underpins everything we do at Protection Dogs Worldwide. Whatever its natural temperament, an untrained dog should not be relied on for family or personal protection. Our training standards are high but considered, and ultimately work towards creating the ultimate family or personal protection dog. The highest standard of obedience is the foundation of everything we do and seek to achieve. If a dog is not fully obedient, then we do not believe that it can progress to more complex training such as protection work. A family or personal protection dog needs to be relied upon to follow its

22 December, 2022

Different Types of German Shepherds

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds across the world. It is an intelligent, versatile, and deeply loving and loyal dog. It has proven itself as an equally effective guardian, service dog, and companion and will always be beloved by many. The German Shepherd is a surprisingly diverse breed, and presents in a number of varieties. This blog will provide a breakdown of the most common German Shepherd variants, and explain what this might mean for current or prospective owners. Broadly speaking, there are two types of German Shepherds: working and show-line dogs. Working dogs were

2 December, 2022

Exercising Your Protection Dog

All dogs should be exercised regularly, ideally twice a day. In the UK, the most common way to exercise a dog is to take them for one or two walks a day, more often than not on a lead or free running them in a park or some other open space. These are good ways to exercise a dog, but far from the only options. Exercise is so beneficial and important to all dogs that it cannot be neglected. As protection dogs are almost by default more active and energetic than a usual pet, their individual need for exercise will

30 August, 2022

Nutrition for Puppies

Puppies have unique nutritional needs which are often poorly understood by dog owners. This is due to the fact that they undergo periods of extreme growth in relatively short time periods. This creates an increased calorific demand on a young dog, but if mistimed can lead to overfeeding and obesity. Different breeds mature and grow at different paces, and a German Shepherd or Dobermann will develop at a much faster pace than a Cane Corso or other mastiff-type dog. This will have nutritional implications, so owners should pay close attention to their puppies during key growth periods. Owners may consider

23 August, 2022

What Breed of Protection Dog Should I Get?

While some customers come to us knowing which breed of protection dog they want, this is not always the case. Many customers enter the process of buying a protection dog having never owned any kind of pet before, so are open to the possibility of any breed we offer. The first question customers should ask in such instances is what are their particular needs? Do they have young children which means they need to be at home more, or are they single and more active? Do they have allergies to breeds which shed? Apart from protection, do they have any



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